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Portrait of Kimberly Dowdell sitting on steps

“The Ingenuity of an Architect”

Kimberly Dowdell influences her profession—and the built environment.

Conceptual illustration of two human heads in outline, one filled with disconnected blocks, the other with random images.

How Schizophrenia Resembles the Aging Brain

The search for schizophrenia’s biological basis reveals an unexpected link to cellular changes seen in aging brains.

David Gruber on the North Shore of Massachusetts

Decoding the Deep

Project CETI’s pioneering effort to unlock the language of sperm whales


Harvard in the headlines

Harvard Magazine sorts through news and commentary in other media and shares diverse views with you. Learn more.

The Washington Post | 7.11.2024

The Washington Post | 7.9.2024

The New York Times | 6.13.2024

The New York Times | 7.3.2024

Harvard in the headlines

Harvard Magazine sorts through news and commentary in other media and shares diverse views with you. Learn more.

The Washington Post | 7.11.2024

The Washington Post | 7.9.2024

The New York Times | 6.13.2024

Harvard in the headlines

Harvard Magazine sorts through news and commentary in other media and shares diverse views with you. Learn more.

The Washington Post | 7.11.2024

The Washington Post | 7.9.2024

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